For Men and Woman who:
  • Despite weight loss diets, cannot seem to get rid of “saddlebag thighs”, “banana bulges”, fat deposits riddled with cellulite dimples… and basically any figure defect out there.
  • Are thin and practice a healthy lifestyle, yet suffer from cellulite dimples, fat deposits or flabby skin.
  • Despite using cosmetics, can’t remove thick, orange peel skin.
  • Would like rapid, risk-free and painless results – without undergoing surgery.
  • Have experienced the major hormonal fluctuations of puberty, pregnancy, or menopause which have ended in dramatic figure changes.
  • Have been able to stay thin over the years, but have not been able to avoid the sagging, thinning skin of advancing age.
  • Understand that it’s necessary to reactivate the cells responsible for youthful skin and weight loss (i.e. fibroblasts and adipocytes) and therefore include LPG Mechano-Stimulation in their anti-aging beauty routine.




Price for 1 minute

1 Session


Duration: 30 - 45 mins 

6 Sessions


Duration: 30 - 45 mins 

10 Sessions


Duration: 30 - 45 mins